Contact Dr Kalane today to schedule an appointment


While a therapist might usually solve your internal conflicts, sometimes the conflicts we need to resolve are those we have with others, such as our friends, parents, children and spouses.

Therapeutic mediation is a tool mental health professionals use to relieve emotional stress and develop a plan of action acceptable to both parties.

However, for the process to be successful, both parties must be willing to participate in the mediation and restore the relationship.

You and the person you have a conflict with need to be emotionally mature and responsible. You must be willing to acknowledge your errors and not blame each other.

If both parties can adhere to this, then there is an excellent chance that you will be able to resolve your issues and feel an emotional weight lifted.

If both parties are ready to have an open discussion and take the first step to heal emotions and resolve conflict, then schedule a mediation session with one of our therapists today.

Cape Town:

081 705 9928


012 549 7450

West Beach:

021 001 0568